Let’s talk Covid-19 numbers

I am a numbers woman. Give me the data and let me look it over. I don’t want others to tell me in under a minute what they feel I should know. Probably why I read the news instead of watching any news programs or channels. Seriously, we don’t even watch the local news any more.

Saying that I have seen the articles on the rising concern of the cover-19 numbers. My interest was snagged so I started reading more articles and I noticed something. A key piece of data was missing that was plastered across the news reports early this year. Hospital and ICU capacity.

That my friends is critical.

As hard as I searched I couldn’t find any new articles for Pennsylvania with this data. It isn’t being mentioned. Being a data person I raised an eyebrow. If that data was so critical in the beginning of the pandemic why not now?

So I started googling. Now you would think that would be easy data to find, but no. I am surprised at how challenging this data was to find as our local radio station and hospital puts out the number of covid-19 cases and ICU beds being used because of it several times a week. I, wrongly, thought that information was being shared everywhere. I finally found a page that had what I was looking for, covidactnow.org, and what I found was interesting.

Here is what I pulled for Pennsylvania as of Wednesday, Oct. 26.

1 county over 70% ICU head room used (Lebanon)

1 county at 50% ICU head room used (Berks)

3 counties between 40 and 49% ICU head room used (Schuylkill, Luzerne, and York)

1 county at 36% ICU head room used (Bradford)

7 counties between 20 and 29% ICU head room used (Centre, Westmoreland, Mifflin, Cambria, Franklin, Leigh, and Lancaster)

15 counties with less than 20% of ICU head room used.

Out of 60 counties we have 28 counties reporting ICU beds being used. Are they all occupied by Covid cases? That isn’t stated. Ventelator usage? Not shown.

For people who are advocating for shutdowns I want to point out that shutdowns do not, and will not, eradicate the virus. That was never the point of them. They were used to give states and hospitals time to get ready for large amount of patients. They were used to “flatten the curve”. What that means is to spread cases out over time so our hospitals were not over whelmed.

That’s all folks.

Be safe, do what is best for you and yours.

God bless!

My faith is weird

This morning I was sipping coffee outside with our dogs and I gave thanks to God for coffee. I mean that beautiful brew is what brings consciousness to many of us every morning. After giving thanks for that magical brew it occurred to me that I am thankful for everything and I expressed it with awe. That moment was the moment where I realized that my faith is weird.

I have complete faith at times. Like “it is done” faith. So completely firm in my faith that there is no question in me at all. There are two instances that come to mind:

  1. When our son had mononucleosis three years ago he fell asleep curled up on the couch with his head in my lap. I grabbed my husband’s bible and opened to Matthew 8:5 – 13 The Healing of a Centurion’s Servant. I read the passage and prayed “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” I knew, at that moment there was no doubt that our son had been healed. He slept a while longer and woke up ready to go. My husband had called his ex-wife and they took him to the pediatrician where they confirmed that the child who was running around and playing had mono. When he went back to his mom’s house he displayed no symptoms of the illness and no one could explain it. The kid was good as gold and couldn’t understand why everyone wanted him to sleep.
  2. We got a “new to us” refrigerator over the summer. The refrigerator we replaced came with our house and had a scapula and miraculous medal on it from week three of moving in. We couldn’t afford a new one at the time so it was prayed over weekly. At times it was daily. I cleaned that refrigerator of all dust, pet hair and everything else to keep it going every other day. When we picked up the new refrigerator we rented a moving truck and it turns out it wasn’t tall enough to stand the refrigerator up. My husband freaked as laying down the appliance can break it. I don’t understand the whole premise, but I trust my hubby. So as he is freaking out in the back of the moving van that we just wasted our money I just looked at him and as calm as could be stated “Our God is bigger than a refrigerator”. I had no doubt. He just looked at me like he wanted to pat me on the head. He didn’t, thankfully. When we plugged in the new refrigerator it worked perfectly.

Here is the thing, I want that faith all the time and I, honestly, don’t have it. There are certain things that I just have an issue with trusting unconditionally. Our finances, of all things, is a huge one. Actually it is the biggest one. I fight having that child like faith. That trust that the God of the universe is a better accountant than I am.

I mean really? Come on!

The older I get the more I see the huge gapping holes in my faith. Thankfully with age comes a form of wisdom. The wisdom of knowing I am a flawed human and need God every moment of every day.

God Bless!

My job as a Christian

I realize that the title of this post is a bit odd. Being a Christian is a job? What does that mean? How can you say that? Is it really?

No, it is not a job in the traditional sense of the word, but it is similar in some ways. The biggest way is the requirements and time commitment.

As a practicing christian I have responsibilities. The biggest one is to be a light in the darkness. To show the light of Christ to the world. It is the hardest and all encompassing of the list.

When we come to Christ, either as a child or an adult, we are promising to follow our Lords example of perfect love. That is a really daunting ideal. To follow in the footsteps of the Son of God. Some really big sandals to fill!

That is what we are called to do. I am not called to physical perfection nor to accumulate wealth beyond the worlds wildest dreams.

We are called to love. A love so different from what our society teaches today. Lover of flaws and differences without judgement. To offer each other support and hope. Offering a love that is not based on what others do, look like, or call themselves. Not to berate, but to pray for and help when we can. In anyway that we can. To look at what the world offers and realize how empty and fleeting those offers are.

Let us discuss the time commitment of this “job”. It is 24/7. Nonstop loving and shinning which is a really daunting prospect. Actually it is impossible for any and every human. Even the saints had off moments. If we can’t do that why try? Because we have to. We do. It is the most exhausting, humbling and beautiful commitment we can ever make. It is putting yourself out there and declaring that you live a life of love. That your priority is loving others with all their warts and dirt, because you realize that you are covered in them too.

My life has changed dramatically in the last five years. Coming back to the catholic church has humbled me in ways that I have a hard time expressing. What I have to say is that I am actually happier than I have ever been.

My husband and I have been led to lead a very different life than what we pictured. At times it is frustrating as we are still learning and want the answers “now”. Living in faith means not having the answers, but trusting in God who does.

The biggest requirements of the job is love and faith. Without those it is impossible to succeed.

God Bless!

Oh how I get overwhelmed…

There are times when I get so overwhelmed by emotions. We have all been there. You get frustrated, the moment of intense joy, or sadness. Those moments when you throw up you hands and put voice to those emotions. Then there are those times when you quietly sit unable to move because of how big they are.

Lately, I find myself overwhelmed with my emotions when it comes to God. It can be in moments of prayer, like saying the rosary, when reading or when I am just thinking about God and the mercy that He blesses us with.

Today I was so overwhelmed with the knowledge of how blessed we are. When I say “we” I mean our family, but I also mean all of us. You may not be feeling it. Stuff can be going wrong. I get it. I do.

But trust me. God is pouring out his mercy right now.

That knowledge is a life saver.

So today if you are overwhelmed know that you aren’t alone. None of us. Ever.

God bless!

Wow, I’ve changed

My husband and I had dinner with some friends last weekend. They came over for pizza and a bonfire. It was a great time. I really think this couple is great.

They are voting for Biden and we are for Trump. There was no argument or setting anything on fire besides the bonfire. We agreed that different life experiences produces different people and outlook.

I was really surprised when my husband told me that one of them wishes the President would die.

Seriously, I was so taken back by that. Not that she didn’t like him. I got that, but that she would wish death on someone that is personally unknown to her.

Then I was really surprised by what I felt next.


I’ve been in that place where you hate and blame others for your life. For me, I am not speaking for her, but for me it was simply I was in such a miserable place. I didn’t know how to get out of it. I just threw the hate I felt for myself at everyone else.

Actually I few months ago I felt that way about every politician. You’re a politician? I don’t trust or like you. I don’t know you? Don’t care.

I shared in a different post that I have been praying for those I don’t “like” and, holy mackerel, what a change in me. I can’t hate or not like others. The act of praying just softens you. I may not like the action of others, but everyone deserves our prayers. The truth is you may be the only one actively praying for them.

Now, as of this moment actually, I have a new prayer addition: to pray for those who are so consumed by fear and hate.

I’ve been there and it is the most horrible state. To be so afraid that you turn it into hate just eats your soul and any chance of happiness.

Please share if you have any experience with prayer changing you. I would love to hear it.

God Bless…