
We have all been there. That moment we feel and/or state that we “hate” something. Usually we are annoyed or feel slighted in some way when we utter those words. Our emotions get the best of us and we go with them.

Have you ever really looked at the influence of hate?

Hate takes an incredible amount of energy. Really, it does. At work we have a co-worker who seems to get away with a lot. The reaction of my other co-workers to the one persons actions is remarkable. Anger and hate. The energy they put behind those emotions is enormous! I have co-workers who throw much energy in those feelings that they wonder why they are exhausted. Then they take that exhausted feeling and throw that on the one co-worker. All of it, everything, is their fault.

The truth? Nope, it isn’t. It is everyone’s fault.

The one co-worker has been told that “everyone” hates them.

Now consider that. If that was you would you turn around and bust out some serious work? Most likely not. No, you would think some unflattering thoughts about the others and wonder why you should kill yourself doing anything.

The cycle continues. Do you see it? The cycle of hate and ill will? The lack of understanding? The lack of Christ like love?

See the truth is what that person does or doesn’t do is really none of our business if no one is in danger. They do their job, but slower than the rest of us. They do it with a bit of attitude, but don’t we all at times?

I make it a point of talking to this person. To offering an ear and helping hand. In my job, when we have time, we team up. No-one would team up with this person and they felt excluded. Just by reaching out a little there has been a slight change. I listen and I help when I can. I have learned some things in working side by side; one is there is a lot of anger there. Some justified and some not. I also learned that this person is in tremendous pain a lot of the time.

The funny thing is that this one co-worker took a temporary assignment on a later shift. The result should be joy, everyone singing and working together, right? Nope, folks have moved on to complaining about someone else.

When we always look outside of ourselves for love, perfection and ease we never find it. First, we have never been promised perfection or ease outside of magazines and commercials for beauty products. Love? Love has to start within and then we will find it everywhere. It isn’t always easy, but with practice and faith it is possible. The pay off is a much more satisfying life.

Hate? Well, that leads to more hate which leads to destruction; of ourselves and others. I mean just look at the news. Don’t we see it all time?

The choice is one we have to make for ourselves and often many times a day. The result of the right choice is amazing.

Don’t you owe yourself that?


God’s way…

I have been saying that I am going to start writing again. And I have meant it, kind of.

See I have been feeling “called” to write again, but in a different vein. Different for me and honestly, I’m a little uncomfortable. God doesn’t promise comfortable or easy. He just promises to walk with us and love us all the way.

So here we are and I am writing… God’s way.

About two weeks ago I attended the Pittsburgh Women’s Fellowship conference at the Hyatt Regency at Pittsburgh International airport. It was beautiful and amazing! I am looking forward to the event next year. That being said here is a phrase that came up several times in the first hour or so… Just be.

Now, obviously, that has a ton of meaning to me. The thing is that you don’t hear it spoken that often. I can’t recall ever hearing it in a church setting. EVER.

So I got the message and here I am. No more putting off writing what God is pushing for, because He is pushing me.

Time to do it God’s way. Why? Simply stating my way tends to mess stuff up. A LOT. I mean really I am only human and I struggle. As we all do.

So please expect more thoughts and sharing of this “Just being” experience. Just being catholic, human, and living life God’s way.

God Bless and I hope your day is filled with His love.